We're Hiring! Community Success Officer

Uncategorized Sep 23, 2022

Are you a published author who’s organized in your own life and loves to support other writers so that they achieve their writing goals too?

Then please read on…

Resilient Writers works with women writers to help them finish their books and create a writing life they love.

We do this with our monthly membership program, The Writer’s Flow Studio, which helps writers go from a state of fear to a state of flow in their writing lives so that they can sustain a consistent and rewarding writing practice.

We also support writers who’ve started a book but struggled to finish it on their own through our signature 12-week group coaching program, First Book Finish, which teaches them the First Book Finish Framework and provides the mindset and writing craft support they need to finish their draft and/or revise it and submit for publication. We have a 90% success rate for the writers entering this program.

We also do some limited 1-on-1 developmental editing support, primarily for clients in our existing programs.

Due to the rate at which we are growing, we are always engaging with new writers who need our support. We understand COMMUNITY to be a key part of how writers achieve their writing goals. 

This is where you come in…

About the Role

The purpose of this role is to help provide clarity about our offers and the community writers need as they engage with Resilient Writers to achieve their writing goals and create a writing life they love.

With the resources we will provide, you will have everything you need to help guide clients along the way, and you too will have support when you need it to assist when issues arise. 

This position is part-time (starting off at 10-15 hours/week, with the potential for more time down the road as we grow) and virtual, meaning you can work from anywhere in the world. With some scheduled time each week as you serve our community, you’ll also set your own hours so you can fit this role around your own writing and/or other commitments.

What You’ll Be Doing

You will be responsible for supporting writers as they join our community, via the Writer’s Flow Studio membership, First Book Finish and occasional Book Finish Bootcamps. This includes:

  • Facebook Community Support – you’ll be responsible for creating and scheduling appropriate and engaging posts for our Facebook community groups so that writers feel connected and supported. You’ll also answer some of the questions that arise within these groups and provide writers with a focal point to reach out to when they have questions or issues arising with our programs. You’ll be responsible for monitoring and improving engagement and retention (where applicable) within our program communities as well.
  • Tracking Client Success – you’ll track what our clients are working on, their progress, successes and weekly wins. You’ll record feedback and testimonial videos for our programs, and create monthly opportunities for writers to track their progress and experience a sense of momentum and accomplishment.
  • Communication and Service– you’ll be responsible for communicating with our clients to offer clarity on our programme training schedules and how they can make the most of the materials offered to help them achieve their goals. This will include writing and sending weekly emails to let them know what’s happening in each programme for them each week.
  • Training Support – you’ll communicate with our Visiting Writers, helping them prepare for an effective and engaging visit with our clients.

This Is For You If…

  • You’re a published writer, either at the book level or with a track record in literary magazines or online.
  • You believe all genres of writing are of equal value and are able to be supportive of both traditionally published and self-published authors.
  • You’re an optimistic and community-oriented person.
  • You take constructive feedback and make adjustments.
  • You have a natural creative problem-solving approach.
  • You can hold people accountable to what they say they want, in a loving and supportive manner.
  • You enjoy a lot of autonomy, while still enjoying structure and team communication/meetings.
  • You’re not fazed by tech – you believe you can learn most systems and software. YouTube and Dr. Google are your friends!
  • You actively look to improve, personally and professionally through books, courses, conversations, etc.
  • You’re able to manage your time and tasks effectively, staying on top of multiple tasks and giving an eye to details like spelling, grammar and branding.
  • You are reliable and take pride in living up to your commitments.
  • You take responsibility for your actions. We value people who own their work and own their results.

Outcomes & Responsibilities

We’ll set Quarterly Outcomes together and create the mechanisms for tracking our progress. There is some room for this role to evolve, depending on the experience and skills of the successful candidate.

We will provide access to training on the specific software you need to fulfill your responsibilities.

The main tasks you’ll be responsible for are:

  • Creating community posts for Facebook groups, and scheduling and posting these per the created schedule. (We use the software Canva for these, and the ever-changing Facebook Group structures.)
  • Writing and sending weekly “what’s happening” emails, sending reminder emails and creating reminder posts prior to community events.
  • Maintaining an online calendar for each programme.
  • Responding to client questions about the programs and how to access materials.
  • Monitoring client goals and tracking progress.
  • Setting up Zoom calls, ensuring everyone has the link, that they are recorded and then recordings uploaded to the online course/members software (Kajabi).
  • Providing support within our community to our writers to help keep them accountable for achieving their own goals within the framework of our programs.
  • Tracking client successes, including running community happiness surveys and collecting testimonials when appropriate.
  • Communicating with Visiting Writers to ensure they have what they need in order to deliver effective sessions for our community.
  • Any other communication with our writers to support them with getting the most out of our programs.
  • Setting and updating tasks in our project management software (Asana) and communicating as needed within the team communication software (Slack).
  • Weekly communication with the Resilient Writers Team to discuss any wins, issues and problems with our clients and within your role.


This role is best suited for someone who is a writer themselves, so that they understand the psychology and habits that help writers be productive. We ask for "published" writers and are open about what that looks like.

Your personality must be suited to the role, which will require you to be positive, engaging and supportive with other writers working in different genres, with different publishing goals and at different stages of their careers.

You’d be suited for this role if you’re a coachable person who loves to learn new things and grow in the process. 

Some formal training in writing craft (e.g. B.A, college-level program, MFA or consistent workshop attendance) is a definite asset.

Experience with different online software platforms is an advantage as well, but the primary requirement is an ease with trying out and learning new software as needed.

We work in English, across different countries and time zones, so some cross-cultural understanding and excellent fluency in English are required.

So if this describes you, feel free to apply below!

Terms and Compensation

This will be a part-time self-employed contract role. The individual will set their own hours, provide their own equipment, and work from home providing their own internet access.

After an initial 2-month “get-to-know-each-other” period, we’ll offer a longer-term contract. 

We’ll begin with 10 hours/week in the first two months and then move to 15 hours/week. After the first six months, we’ll review the role and determine if more hours are required. There’s room for growth and evolution in this role for the ideal candidate.

Rate of pay will vary somewhat depending on location and experience, but will be in the range of $20-$25 US per hour to start. For those who are invited to an interview, we’ll discuss compensation and benefits in more detail.

Who We Are

Resilient Writers Ltd is a small team consisting of the founder, Rhonda Douglas, and some contractors who support marketing and operations.

Resilient Writers is dedicated to ensuring that more women can finish their books and get them out into the world, while creating and sustaining a writing life they love.

We have an inclusive perspective and seek to be part of building a better world. For us, this means we are always learning how to improve as allies for marginalized communities. Black Lives Matter. When we say woman, that term always includes trans women. 

We’ve made some progress in ensuring accessibility of our programs and services, but frankly need to learn and do more. If you need accommodations in any respect, please do say so during the application and interview process so that we can meet these needs as a willing but possibly imperfect ally.

We are profoundly committed to supporting our writers to believe in themselves and their work. It’s our dream to help thousands of women to finish and publish their books! We are here for them as they work towards achieving their writing dreams.

About The Culture

Our company core values are: Compassion & Commitment, Inspiration & Creativity, Happiness & Growth, Flexibility & Freedom, Efficiency & Results.

We have weekly team meetings and stay connected often throughout the week, which increases the connection and productivity with our team. Most times it doesn’t even feel like we are working remotely!

Our company is new. We’re small at the moment but in a period of growth. We want to work with people who exercise a high level of personal accountability and ownership within a small team. People joining us at this stage will also help shape our culture and systems.

We are continually growing in both the training materials and resources we can provide to our students, but also for our team as well. We want to make sure everyone is fully supported in their roles and have access to everything they need to help our writers achieve their goals.

Everyone on our team works remotely. We value results over hours worked and while we don’t believe in “face-time” for its own sake, we do want to be accountable to one another. 

We believe in bringing our full selves to work and being real about life’s challenges, while also staying optimistic and always present to our objective to support more writers to write, finish and publish more and better books. 

How To Apply

Step 1: Submit An Application

Please send us your CV and a one-page cover letter outlining why you’d be a good fit for this role. The deadline for all applications is Friday, October 7th at 5pm Eastern. Applications should be sent to: [email protected]. IMPORTANT: Put CSO Application in the email subject line, please.

Step 2: Review

We’ll take one week to review all applications and shortlist 3-5 people for interviews via Zoom.

Step 3: Interview

We’ll have an initial interview so that we can get to know a bit more about each other. If it’s hard for us to select an ideal candidate, we may ask for a follow-up interview.

Step 3: References

We’ll ask you for two references to whom we can speak over the phone to hear about your previous work and how we can best support you as a member of our team.

Step 4: Training Period

For the successful candidate, we’ll proceed to a contract. We’ll want an initial test or “get-to-know-each-other” period of 8 weeks before moving to a longer-term contract. This will include some shadowing of community calls and going through training materials, as well as some initial goal-setting for the role.



50% Complete

Two Step

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