Finally finish a complete draft of your book

[in 12 weeks]

without being stuck, constantly distracted, or having to leave your family and run away to a small cabin in Maine.

If you’re an aspiring novelist, short story or memoir writer looking to finally finish a complete full draft of your first book while staying (or falling) in love with your writing practice, then you already know that you need to put "butt-in-chair" and write the darn thing.

So we can skip that tidbit of “useful” advice.

After all, you probably already know…

The Internet is chock-a-block with #writingtips for your #writinglife.

Pollsters report more than 80 percent of people would like to be an author.

Google estimates 130 million books have been published over the course of human history.

Add in increasing self-publishing opportunities, and you know that it’s easier than ever to get a book published ONCE it’s finished.



Even if you’ve already completed smaller pieces and maybe even been published in a literary mag or in an online journal (lucky you!), or had friends who’ve read your stories shower you with sincere compliments, finally finishing your first full book offers you a new and exciting experience as a writer.

  • That "Real Writer" Seal of Approval

    I think you’re a “real” writer now. But once you have your first book out in the world, your “hobby” is suddenly legit to non-writers. You have the perfect response to those dinner party moments when people say “Oh, you’re a writer? Do you have a book?” because YES, YES YOU DO! When people introduce you now, they say “She’s the author of [insert your work in progress title here!]”
  • The Excitement of Seeing Your Own Book In The Wild

    You walk into your local bookstore and there on the “New Releases” table is your book. (Be a good author and sign a few for the bookstore owner, would you?) Or you’re doing some research on your next book at the library and right there in front of you someone is checking it out. A few months later, you pass someone on the street and your book cover is peeking out from under their arm. (Gorgeous cover, by the way.)
  • Connection with Readers Who Want and Need Your Book

    Your book is being read by complete strangers. Readers show up in your in-box telling you how much your book meant to them, how badly they needed to read your book exactly when they did, or how they miss the characters now that the book is read and please can you tell them what happened to them AFTER the book ended. You’re introduced to someone new and they say “Wait -- are you the person who wrote [insert your work in progress title here]? I loved that book so much!”
  • Integrity in Living the Writing Life You're Supposed to Live

    You’re able to live up to the promise you made to yourself when you were just a little kid who couldn’t get enough of a good book, and you know that you are living out your life’s purpose as an author. The experience you gain finishing your first book(s) gives you the confidence to mold your writing practice to be exactly what you need it to be.

  • The Pleasure of Artistic Growth and Craft Mastery

    You take pride in and have real affection for your writing and no longer worry about turning out “shitty first drafts” because you know you have the skills needed to turn those drafts into complete works of art. Your growth as an artist and craftsperson re-affirms your connection with other writers and you have a sense of being part of an active community -- the group of working writers who finished their first books and then went on to finish the next.

Even though the reasons to complete your book are obvious, the path to doing it successfully is anything but.


Okay, Rhonda...but how though?

Perhaps in your most courageous moments you’ve made the commitment to yourself that this month you’ll definitely finish up that first draft.

You’ve bought a new notebook (plus a spare!) and stocked up on a set of those easy-glide pens.

If you’re super committed, you’ve even said you’d get up early and write every day before the kids woke up and your house went into overdrive, or you had to leave for work.

But even with the best intentions, most writers end up abandoning their half-written manuscripts in a drawer or box in the closet, while watching others push through to the finish line, find agents, publish and be celebrated for their brilliant work.

Here’s why most writers abandon their half-finished books:

Without the right tools and loving accountability, most writers get completely lost.

They let self-doubt creep in and they tell themselves that they’ll write again next week. But then life gets in the way and next week never comes.

They feel all alone with demands of their book… overwhelmed at the enormity of their specific project and get super-anxious when they lack clarity over exactly what they need to do next to finish their manuscripts. Fear stops them in their tracks.

And here’s why this can be irreversibly crippling:

As someone who feels called to write you can’t afford to abandon your writing dreams.

The moment you feel lost and wandering all alone in the dark fighting your book (the same book you once loved like your own child) it’s almost impossible to recover.

Finishing a complete first draft of your book is one of those things you just need to complete once you’ve started, so that your unconscious mind (or Muse) trusts you again when you make promises to yourself about your creative life.

In all likelihood, a lot of your writer friends have also failed in their attempts to finish their first book, or they’ve just given up and stuck the pages into the back of a drawer.

But look...

Even if you’ve set your manuscript aside and haven’t looked at it a while, it’s not too late to finish your draft and feel excited about the writing process again. You CAN get your book out in the world and finally add “Author” to your list of accomplishments and your bio.

And this is definitely possible as long as you can avoid these deadly first book completion mistakes other writers are making.


The 5 Reasons Why Most Writers Don't Finish Their Books and How to Guarantee You Can Finish Yours


1. They have naive and romantic notions about how books are made.

Some writers think that they can sit down at their desk for hours at a time and the most precise and perfect words will just flow from their pens and never need to be edited or revised. (Drafting at a laptop can sometimes make this worse, by the way.)

But if you understand what I refer to as “The 6 Phases of a Book” then you can see clearly where you are in the process and this releases sooo much pressure. And there’s a way to plan with Real Life in mind, with practical tools to help you gain real momentum on your draft.


2. They let writer's block or writer's resistance become a personal failing.

If you’ve ever grasped for the right words or the next scene -- congratulations on being a normal writer! There’s inherent uncertainty in the creative process that breeds anxiety in all artists. All we can do is pay attention to how this manifests for us personally -- our own peculiar quirks -- and come up with plans to manage it. That’s the task, and no creative person really gets to avoid it. But taking this as a personal failing will absolutely cripple you.

Fortunately, we now have brain science and the science of creativity (yep, there are real scientists studying this stuff, bless them!) to show us how we can effectively respond when caught up in our writer’s fears and struggles.


3. They don’t treat finishing their book like a project.

In our personal lives we treat important goals like projects all the time -- losing weight, running a half-marathon, raising funds for the kids’ school -- and we’re totally familiar with that approach from our professional lives. But somehow with creative work writers get the idea that everything should be left loosey-goosey. (And a loose goose is the worst!) So writers sometimes get overwhelmed at the enormity of the book as a project and how it all fits together.

It’s important to break the work down and track your progress in order to gain a sense of unstoppable momentum in your work. Book completion is no different from any other project in many respects and you can learn to treat it that way, and avoid using your many other commitments as crutches when you’re afraid. Time to respect your book for what it is -- a PROJECT -- and treat it accordingly.


4. They don’t actively manage themselves and their environment to set themselves up for success.

Constant disruptions in concentration are super-annoying, but they’re also 100% guaranteed to happen unless we intentionally engineer our environments to ensure they don’t. And you have to know how to get back on track when you’re knocked off. When you lose your vital connection to your work-in-progress you can lose the thread of what you meant to write next. Sometimes this is because your partner’s work or family needs drive everything in your life -- you have to actively plan for and negotiate this, or you could wake up one day to find you’ve let yourself, and your book, come last once again.


5. They let themselves off the hook too easily without seeking loving accountability.

When the writing gets hard, some writers run to the next shiny object so they can have the feeling of a fresh start. Which of course never lasts, and creative work cries out to be finished. Some writers don’t even know what they’re really capable of artistically because they’ve never really committed: if they haven’t finished anything yet, they can’t fail. (Sorry, too close?) When doubts creep in -- as they will! -- they feel bombarded by voices saying horrible, mean things like “What’s the point? Who’s going to read it anyway?” And then they let those voices overrule their life’s work and purpose.

Loving accountability is the only sustainable way around this -- you have to own this for yourself and actively seek out inspiration, practical support and accountability from people who really believe in you and care that you finish your book. 

I'm going to let you in on a little secret...


The fundamental reason most writers don’t finish their books is that they think writing a book is a technical exercise, not a mental one.


Most writers get concerned about creating the perfect narrative arc, or getting the setting concrete enough, or ensuring movement in their character development.

And of course all of these things matter, but they’re not where we get stuck.

Writers get stuck when they don’t acknowledge that 80% of completing a book is in our mental effort to manage ourselves.

In my own experience as a writer and as a writing mentor, writers know that the only thing really in our way is ourselves and our own patterns.

Coming to terms with that reality and then identifying the personal solutions we need is what actually makes it possible for us to engage with the more technical aspects of writing -- setting, character development, narrative arc, backstory -- so that we can finish our first drafts.

Getting the backstory right only matters if you can settle yourself into finishing the REST of the story too.

And literally MILLIONS of writers have gone before you and solved most if not all of the technical craft issues you’ll face in your manuscript so you have a world of knowledge to draw from a craft perspective.

"Rhonda is generous, warm, and extremely supportive to writers at all levels, and she brought all of these skills to our workshop. Her approach to helping us get back on track (or get on track in the first place) with our writing projects was enlightening. Introducing us to a system based on brain science (really!), Rhonda provided a whole variety of techniques and resources. I highly recommend Rhonda as a mentor, instructor and/or editor."

Frances Boyle, Author of Tower and Light-carved Passages

"Rhonda's perspective, tools, and insights helped me organize my time and priorities to achieve my creative goals. Her support has been invaluable for me in regaining a sense of my artistic self and establishing a sense of balance and proportion so my writing, and the rest of my life, can flourish."

Anita Dolman, Author of Lost Enough, and Co-Editor of Motherhood in Precarious Times


The science-backed tools and loving accountability you need to take you from “stuck” with a partial manuscript to a finished first draft of your book in 12 weeks.

I’ve taken everything I’ve learned from my MFA in Creative Writing, and (more importantly!) my years of actually finishing and publishing books as a working single mother, as well as the time I’ve spent mentoring other writers, and channeled it all into a 12 week book completion program.

This is the program that not only teaches you the mental and technical tools you’ll need to finish your book, but also provides the coaching and loving accountability you’ll need to help you get there.

First Book Finish isn’t so much an online course as it is a course-supported 12-week small-group coaching programme.

Yes, you’ll learn the technical aspects of writing a book (structure and story elements) but you’ll also fundamentally re-shape your thinking about your writing in ways that will ensure you can keep the momentum going in your writing life all the way to completing your current book AND all the ones that follow.

The end result: a finished first draft of your book, plus the detailed plan on how you’ll revise and publish it -- and the long-lasting increased confidence that comes from mastering your writing mind.

FIRST BOOK FINISH is the ONLY program of its kind that…

  1. Shows you how to fight the very specific and personal fears that are getting in the way of you completing your first draft.
  2. Helps you identify the support you need to finish your books and provides the loving accountability to help you get there.
  3. Teaches you the sneaky ways that fear and self-doubt manifest themselves in your life and provides proven, science-backed tools to develop long-lasting responses that will sustain you in your writing life for years to come.
  4. Supports you to problem-solve and plan around your specific Real Life realities to make your writing sessions happen, providing the guidance and support you need to craft a regular writing ritual that really works for you.
  5. Teaches you the classic guiding principles for structuring a book so that the sections of your book will slide into place AND supports you to make a clear plan for revision and publication.


So if you’re ready to finally finish your book while avoiding writers’ resistance, 

Here's how I'll help you get there:

Module 1

Finding Focus

Module Highlights:

  • We start with a complete 360 degree overview of the 6 Phases of a Book so you can picture precisely where you are in the process and what comes next for every writer.
  • We’ll do a deep dive together into the true nature of drafts (how rough is rough, exactly?) and uncover how to handle research and any shiny new ideas that bubble up.

  • Your First Book Finish Roadmap will provide the guidance you need to track and celebrate your progress.
  • We’ll find you more time to write (!) and develop new ways to avoid distractions so your writing sessions are truly productive.
Module 2

Mindset Reset

Module Highlights:

This module draws on the work of social scientists studying creativity and exciting new developments in brain science that all writers can use to:

  • Achieve a productive Writer’s Mindset.
  • Choose optimal over perfect and finally beat your perfectionist tendencies.
  • Understand how self-doubt and self-sabotage are showing up in your life and the tools you can use to leave these behind.
  • Develop the skills needed to beat writer’s resistance every single time it shows up -- and how to ensure it doesn’t even bother to come around any more. Bye-bye writer’s block, bye-bye!
Module 3

Structural Clarity

Module Highlights:

This module is all about the nitty-gritty technical aspects of craft you’ll need to finish your book.

  • All the classic structural guidance for narrative, plus a few new contemporary approaches so that you can find the best structural “container” for telling your particular story.

  • How to create believable characters who develop naturally and easily.

  • The Goldilocks approach to ensuring backstory doesn’t take over your story.
  • How to craft setting so realistic your reader feels wet from imaginary rain.
  • How subplots work and how to handle these threads in the first draft.
  • How to write scenes that work, including what the heck a “beat” is.
  • And for poets and short story writers, we’ll have some prompts and new ideas for how you can generate more individual poems and stories to finish your collection, and I’ll provide a proven process for curating a collection and pulling everything together into a compelling whole once the individual pieces are finished.


Module 4

Maintaining Momentum

Module Highlights:

At this point in the programme, you’ll be sooo close to finished, my friend!

Here’s where we get into:

  • Some super-useful tools for getting unstuck (break glass in case of emergency!)
  • What great endings look like and how to write one for your book.
  • How you’ll know when your first draft is ready and you can move on to revision.
  • The tools you’ll need to develop your very own personal revision plan



  • Every week for 12 weeks I’ll be Live to offer coaching support for the group of writers in the First Book Finish programme. You can submit your questions in advance or ask them Live.
  • These sessions will be recorded so you can come back and watch any you miss, or just repeat them for technical advice on elements of writing craft, or practical tips and tools to help you master your writing mindset.
  • Plus, each week you’ll send me an update on how your work is progressing and I’ll be looking out for you to provide the support and encouragement you need as you complete the first draft of your book.
  • You’re not alone in this anymore, my friend -- I got you! All of the guiding questions and practical mindset tools I’ve learned in my MFA and creativity coaching training are yours to draw on as you need them.



This is a serious group of writers committed to finishing the first draft of their books and gaining the mental and technical tools that will serve them now and for every book to come.

This is not a casual hang-out group swapping writing memes but a highly-focused group of experienced writers where you’ll find loving support for every hang-up you have in the book creation process.  

Leverage the power of this group to:

  • Tap into the collective knowledge, experience and insight of fellow writers. 
  • Quickly trouble-shoot any little (or big) hang up in a minute so you don’t stay stuck in your manuscript any longer than you have to. 
  • Get an extra set of ears on the technical challenges you’re facing with the different sections of your book. 
  • Crowdsource your big book structure decisions. 
  • Form valuable friendships with other writers that can support you over the long-term as you finish, revise, publish and launch your book.




This Ultimate Guide is hot off the presses for 2019!

It will provide all the details you need to understand how book publishing is working right now, with the latest info on navigating the publishing world including finding an agent, identifying and working with literary presses, preparing your manuscript for submission, pitching your book to publishers and how to know if self-publishing might be the right path for you.




At the end of our 12 week program I’ll be offering a live masterclass with writers who’ve already completed their books and selected self-publishing as their option for reaching their ideals readers.

They’ll help you decide if self-publishing is the right path for you, how to go about finding your best self-publishing options AND the tips and tricks for success that they wish they’d known before self-publishing. This class will be Live so you can ask your own personal questions, and recorded so you can come back to it later as an inspirational video how-to guide.


(And I’ll also have a few fun surprises I’ll be throwing in as we go along, but shhh that’s just between us for now.)


And of course you'll absolutely get... 

The First Book Finish 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Look, let me say this upfront:

First Book Finish is the most comprehensive programme for writers who are excited and COMMITTED to finishing a complete first draft of their very first book. And I am excited to offer you all the practical tools and loving accountability you need over the next 12 weeks.

Now there’s the kicker on the First Book Finish Guarantee:

By the end of these 30 days, you’ll have received access to the Getting Started Section of the course and Module 1 on Finding Focus.

Meaning, you’ll have had the opportunity to clarify the essential premise of your book and planned out your First Book Finish Roadmap to give you the path you’ll follow to track your progress all the way to completion BEFORE making a final commitment.

If you don’t feel totally confident and motivated by your personal First Book Finish RoadMap AND all of the coaching support and loving accountability you’re receiving, simply reach out, show me you’ve put in the work in Module 1 and I’ll refund 100% of your investment. (Full Details on Terms and Conditions Right Here.)

Here’s what you’re getting when you enrol today:

Lifetime access to First Book Finish - $997 Value

4 Modules, 28 Lessons, plus PDF guides and worksheets

Options for how you learn best with video, audio and written transcripts

All the tools you need to successfully complete the first full draft of your book!


12 Weeks Small Group Coaching - $1797

Loving accountability, practical guidance and accessible live coaching to encourage, support and inspire you as you gain momentum and track your progress all the way to finally typing THE END on the last page of your manuscript.


  • Exclusive Private Members-Only Curated Facebook Group - $497
  • Your Ultimate Guide to Book Publishing in 2019 - $297
  • Self-Publishing Secrets: Live Interactive Masterclass - $197

Total Value: $3785

When you add it all up, that’s a total value of $3785


But when you enrol today, you’ll get access to everything for just:

Pay Monthly

6 Monthly Payments of




Pay Upfront

1 Payment of



Frequently Asked Questions

Questions Other Writers Have Asked About the First Book Finish Course

There’s no specific minimum number of pages to qualify, but it will definitely help you really finish in the 12 week course period if you’ve already got a good start on your manuscript. It’s okay if your pages are still handwritten notes -- that’s why we call it a draft! As a rough guess, if you had about 25% of what you estimate the final number of pages in your book to eventually be, then you’d be in good shape to finish in 12 weeks. (We get into the math of this in Module 1, along with the First Book Finish Roadmap for your particular book.) Let me ask you this though: what's if the worst that could happen is that you'd have a few hundred more pages than when you'd started? 

Here's a little known fact from someone who's published multiple times: every book is different, and every writer starts over with the next one. If you review the Modules and think that some loving accountability would help you get your current book finished, then WELCOME! I'd love to have you join us.

I hear you, Sister! It’s totally 100% normal to get stuck at a specific spot in your manuscript and then not be able to get over it. This is why I’ve designed the program the way I have -- with a deep dive on the proven, science-backed mindset tools upfront first, so that we can eliminate them once and for all. And not just for this book either; these are tools you can come back to any time you’re feeling stuck in your writing life for years to come. If you do the work and are willing to look at your own patterns, I know you’ll get results.

I don’t believe in the lie that “real writers” write every day. It just hasn’t been my experience and I’ve got the published books and a few literary awards to support my fairly strong opinion on this. (So: snap!)


However, with that said of course you’ll need to be writing regularly in order to finish your book over the 12 weeks. That’s why right at the start in Module 1, I will walk you through the First Book Finish Roadmap to help you break down your personal writing project, and we make a plan for how you’re going to find the time you need that is entirely based on your specific Real Life circumstances. Can you find time to write 1-3 times a week? That’s totally doable and inside First Book Finish, I show you how to make it happen.

Yes, of course you can. But let’s be honest -- will you, though? (Sorry, but I’ve been at this a long time and I know how hard it is to keep ourselves motivated to stick with our writing routines, never mind motivating others as well.)

And I’ve designed this program to incorporate the latest in social science and brain research to help you understand what stands between you and the completion of your book, so that you can benefit from a set of practical and proven science-backed tools, as well as have the loving accountability of a coach and a group of fellow writers as you write to finish. I know there’s no other program like it available.

When you enrol in the program, you get immediate access to the Getting Started section of the course, and then when the whole group is ready to go we get into Module 1. We do the Modules together as they are released, so that everyone is on the same page. (And I know first-hand how easy it is to skip over things and then regret it later when we get stuck.)


All materials can be both streamed and downloaded as they are released, and you have lifetime access to the course so anytime I make updates you get the new versions of everything too.


Bonuses are available at the end of the course, because they focus on the next steps after finishing the first draft of your book and I don’t want people to get distracted by other shiny things instead of keeping their attention where it’s needed.


The coaching component of the course is over the 12 week course period. The weekly Live sessions will happen Sunday mornings at 10am Eastern. But you don’t have to worry about missing any, because you can submit questions in advance and then the sessions are recorded so you’ll be able to stream and/or download them (or even re-watch them again!) as you need them.

Absolutely, I've got your back! If you're not happy with the program, the First Book Finish 30-Day Guarantee has your back. If you enrol today, you can access the Getting Started section of the course and then dive into Module 1: Finding Focus with your fellow writers as soon as it’s released in Week One. After 30 days, if you have done the work in Module 1 and aren’t motivated by your personal First Book Finish Roadmap and the loving accountability the program offers, then show me you did the work in Module 1 and I’ll give you all of your money back. You can find the full details on the First Book Finish 30-Day Guarantee in the full Terms and Conditions details right here.

Yes! For writers working on a collection -- of poems, stories or essays -- I have some special resources to help prompt you with new ideas for finishing individual pieces, as well as a guide to help you curate your collection once the individual pieces are finished, so that everything comes together as a compelling whole.

The program will work for anyone needing mindset and technical craft support as they’re working to finish a full first draft of their book.

That said, it isn’t ideal for playwrights, screenwriters, or for people writing business or self-help non-fiction -- these aren’t genre I’ve published in myself and I want to hold myself in integrity for only offering support where I know I can help you get results.

Well hello there, new Internet friend! I totally get this question. So, this is me:

I’m Rhonda Douglas, a published and award-winning poet and fiction writer. I have both an English Literature degree and a Masters of Fine Arts in Creative Writing, and have been a writing mentor for years offering live workshops, one-on-one editorial support and creativity coaching.

My writing has been published in literary journals in Canada and overseas, and I’ve been lucky enough to win a few awards for my work over the years. My published books are in poetry and short fiction, I’m currently finishing up my second poetry manuscript, and have a novel-in-progress as well as a mixed-genre memoir. I’ve served on juries for literary prizes and grants, and I was the Poetry Editor for Arc Poetry, Canada’s National Poetry Magazine. Publishers Weekly said my short stories “bubble with originality and daring,” among other lovely things.

I have a day-job in international development where I’ve been delivering workshops for over 2 decades now. I was a single mother for quite a few years while I also finished my graduate studies while holding a day-job in non-profit management AND finishing and publishing my two books. So I know what busy looks like (!) and how to fit the writing in to maintain my writing life. My own experiences with writer’s resistance many years ago led me to study the social science on creativity and to explore creativity coaching.

I’m a master at finishing things and reaching my goals. Supporting other writers brings me pure joy. Originally from rural Newfoundland, but I now live in Ottawa, Canada’s capital city. I’m a coffee addict and cupcake-motivated. I overuse semi-colons, em-dashes and ellipses just because I can. My daughter Emma is now 25, living nearby in Montreal and she’s my soul’s delight.

I’d be honoured and so pleased to work with you over the next 12 weeks in my First Book Finish program.

Here’s what you’re getting when you enrol today:

Lifetime access to First Book Finish Online Course - $997 Value

4 Modules, 28 Lessons, plus PDF guides and worksheets

Options for how you learn best with video, audio and written transcripts

All the tools you need to successfully complete the first full draft of your book!


12 Weeks Small Group Coaching - $1797

Loving accountability, practical guidance and accessible live coaching to encourage, support and inspire you as you gain momentum and track your progress all the way to finally typing THE END on the last page of your manuscript.


  • Exclusive Private Members-Only Curated Facebook Group - $497
  • Your Ultimate Guide to Book Publishing in 2019 - $297
  • Self-Publishing Secrets: Live Interactive Masterclass - $197

Total Value: $3785

When you add it all up, that’s a total value of $3785


But when you enrol today, you’ll get access to everything for just:


Pay Monthly

6 Monthly Payments of




Pay Upfront

1 Payment of



First Book Finish is PERFECT for you if…

  1. You’ve got notebooks, journals and/or files filled with ideas and scenes for your book, but no idea how to put it all together.  
  2. You’ve got that Word file or Google doc filled with pages of writing for your book, but you just dread going back in there and honestly, now you’re just avoiding it completely.
  3. You want to finish your book so badly but find yourself avoiding your writing sessions out of fear that you just won’t know if you’re going in the right direction or not.
  4. You love the idea of the Muse but also really want to know what science has to say that might help you out when the Muse isn’t cooperating.
  5. You are 100% GOING TO FINISH this book, come hell or high water, and you’d like to have an experienced guide to support you along the way. When it comes to your writing life right now, you could really use a little bit of loving accountability.
  6. You’ve already been writing regularly on your book but really want to ratchet up your page count to gain massive momentum over the next 12 weeks.
  7. You find yourself getting stuck as you’ve been working on your book, thinking things like “what’s the point?” or “who’s going to read this anyway?” and you know you need to reset your writers’ mindset in order to make it to the finish line.
  8. When you let yourself imagine holding your finished book in your hands, the idea of it excites you SO MUCH you can barely stand it.
  9. You’ve been dreaming about finishing your very own book ever since you were a little kid reading books under the bedcovers with a flashlight, you’ve gotten started but now could just use a little push.
  10. You’re ready to understand how books really work, what a complete draft actually looks like and you’re prepared to plan and track your writing progress on a weekly basis.

If you said “YES” to at least 6 of the above, I can’t wait to meet you inside First Book Finish.

Here’s what you’re getting when you enrol today:

Lifetime access to First Book Finish Online Course - $997 Value

4 Modules, 28 Lessons, plus PDF guides and worksheets

Options for how you learn best with video, audio and written transcripts

All the tools you need to successfully complete the first full draft of your book!


12 Weeks Small Group Coaching - $1797

Loving accountability, practical guidance and accessible live coaching to encourage, support and inspire you as you gain momentum and track your progress all the way to finally typing THE END on the last page of your manuscript.


  • Exclusive Private Members-Only Curated Facebook Group - $497
  • Your Ultimate Guide to Book Publishing in 2019 - $297
  • Self-Publishing Secrets: Live Interactive Masterclass - $197

Total Value: $3785

When you add it all up, that’s a total value of $3785


But when you enrol today, you’ll get access to everything for just:


Payment Monthly

6 Monthly Payments of




Payment Upfront

1 Payment of



50% Complete

Two Step

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