Write consistently, enjoy community and a sense of creative flow while racking up your page count -- without stewing in anxiety, becoming blocked by fear or waiting for that elusive "perfect" time to write.


If you're a writer who sometimes struggles to get to the page, and you want to gain momentum in your writing life while actually enjoying the creative process, then you already know that this can all be so much harder than it sounds.

As writers, we want to enjoy that sense of creative satisfaction, but sometimes fear kicks in and we find ourselves struggling to get to the page consistently.

We “take a little break” from writing only to find ourselves still not writing...days, weeks or (ugh!) months later.

We know we need to put "butt-in-chair" to get our writing done, but when our scheduled writing time comes, somehow we're in the kitchen or in front of the TV instead. #oops

When we watch weeks zip by without gaining momentum in our writing, we begin to doubt not just our commitment, but our very SELVES as creative beings. 

Hearing other writers brag about their page count, seeing writers on social tag each other as #amwriting when you're in the #amnotwriting camp... or even watching other writers share their success publishing in magazines, or launching their new books can leave us feeling sad and disappointed with ourselves.



  • You can write consistently again

    Consistent writing connects you to your work-in-progress, but also to your self-identity as a writer.
  • You can gain a sense of momentum with your writing

    Steady progress will generate a sense of momentum which helps build up essential faith in both the work and our creative process.
  • You can feel connected with a community of writers to encourage and support you

    You're a writer. You have thoughts and feelings about writing that only other writers really understand.
  • You can leave fear and anxiety behind and create a writing life you love

    There are tools and techniques to manage your writing worries -- including solutions backed by science -- so that you can keep "butt in chair" long enough to write the work only you can.

The Four Important Mindset Shifts You Need to Make Right Now

To Create and Sustain a Writing Life You Love


1. Creative Anxiety is the New Black

Worried your writing sucks? Congrats, my friend! You're a completely normal writer. All writers (and all artists) feel this on a regular basis. Your fear and anxiety around the creative process won't ever fully go away -- and you wouldn't want it to! -- but it can be proactively managed so that you can create and maintain a writing life you love. 


2. Practice Over Product

A healthy and sustainable self-identity as a writer is one that values the practice of writing over anything you eventually produce. The good news is that the path to finishing and publishing stories, poems, novels or memoirs is entirely rooted in your ability to show up for your creative practice as a writer, over and over again. 


3. Consistency is EVERYTHING.

Nothing matters more than you showing up consistently for your writing -- and for your SELF as a writer. You need a writing life you love so much you can't imagine taking a vacation because time away from your desk just wouldn't be as much fun as time spent there writing.


4. Community Counts

The tired image of the lone writer hunched over their desk in a freezing garrett, surrounded by discarded manuscript pages is outdated and dysfunctional. Having a community of writers who know the ins and outs (and all of the feels!) of the creative process is critical for encouragement and accountability. A sustainable and rewarding writing life is one supported by community. 

Shh...I'm going to let you in on a little secret

As someone who's taken ALL of the workshops -- from 2-hour bootcamps all the way to my MFA -- I can tell you that this is something no one teaches or talks about. You can do all the learning about writing craft, but if you don't get your mindset right, even the most talented writers can find themselves feeling lost and alone. But it doesn't have to be that way for you.


The Writer's Flow Studio

A Monthly Membership Program for Writers Who Want to Create and Sustain a Writing Life They Love


"I'm half way through my novel I think, and going strong, writing the first draft by hand in a notebook, getting lots of talking voices in my head telling me what happens next or why someone did something, and it's just so fun. Plus, I've posted a prompt on my mamomemo blog and Medium with some writing everyday this month. Got some good flow going!"


"I'm so excited!! I have been struggling a bit, actually a lot, with how to structure the shifts between the past and present and some stand alone scenes, but this morning it just fell into a structure that I think will work!"



The Writer's Flow Studio is the ONLY program of its kind that…

1. Uses science-backed techniques to help you proactively manage your creative anxiety
2. Supports you to show up consistently for yourself AND your writing
3. Offers you the encouragement, support and accountability you need to achieve your writing goals. 

So if you’re ready to create and sustain a writing life you love...

Here's how The Writer's Flow Studio can help you get there:

1. Accompanied Writing Sessions

Create and maintain a consistent writing practice with 3 accompanied writing sessions each week. (12 per month!)

Are you more likely to go to the gym if you have a personal trainer there waiting for you? Think of this as a personal trainer for your writing practice!

  • 3X a week; 12 per month.
  • Zoom sessions, no video needed! Come write in your PJs or yoga pants.
  • We meet, we center ourselves and we write -- for 45 minutes each time.
2. Centering Exercises

Eliminate anxiety and achieve a state of creative flow

We calm our brains (that anxious amygdala!) and center ourselves before each writing session. Accompanied sessions always start this way and you have access to recorded exercises in your membership area as well. Go from a state of fear to a state of flow: ahhhhhh! 

  • Deep Breathing
  • Visualizations
  • Zen Tangle
  • Adult Coloring (Yep! Nobody stays scared while coloring!)
3. Weekly Accountability Check-Ins

Keep yourself accountable for making steady progress with your writing. 

The Writer's Flow Studio works for writers of different genres, from beginners to published and awarded. What we all have in common is the practice of writing and a desire to create and maintain a sense of momentum in our writing lives.  We do this by checking in each week to say how the past week went, and what our goals and intentions are for the coming week.

  • Keep yourself accountable
  • Track your weekly progress
  • Connect and celebrate with other writers


4. Live Monthly Masterclass

Sustain your commitment and progress with a monthly mindset refresh via a Live Monthly Masterclass. 

Motivation flags and the boost from an inspirational quote on Instagram only lasts so long. Reconnect each month with the motivating force behind your writing with a Live Masterclass designed to support a productive writer's mindset. This is the stuff they don't teach in most creative writing programs! 

  • Bring your creative mindset questions to a Live Masterclass each month
  • Access to a library of all the previous Masterclasses, on topics such as Self-Coaching for Writers, Facing Failure, Beating Perfectionism, Finding Focus...and MORE.


5. Writing Prompts

When you're not sure what to work on next, or just want to play around in the language sandbox. 

Often writers in the Studio work on their works-in-progress during the accompanied writing sessions. But sometimes you just wanna have a little fun! You can use your set of writing prompts during the writing sessions, or use them offline as well. 

  • Prompts to keep you writing no matter what
  • Prompts can be used for fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction
  • Fresh set of prompts every month: one for every day of the year!


6. Private Facebook Group

You don't have to feel alone with your writing. 

Nothing will be more important to your writing life than community. Knowing we're not alone with our creative struggles and having a place to go where everyone understands how it feels when a character develops a mind of their own, or you can't find that perfect word this morning, is priceless. 

  • Connect with, encourage and celebrate other writers
  • Let other writers encourage, support and celebrate YOU!
7. Exclusive Membership Portal

Everything available for you, as and when you need it. 

Miss a class? No problem! All the Masterclasses are always recorded and loaded into your private membership portal, along with the latest writing prompts and the centering exercises so you can use them on your own schedule, as needed. 

  • Secure, password-protected Membership Portal with all your materials
  • Do writing sessions on your own schedule, with the centering exercises and writing prompts always available.
  • Catch the replay of a Live Masterclass, and/or repeat one as you need to.
  • A few little surprise extras from time to time! 🥳

100% RISK-FREE Guarantee

Cancel at any time!

For monthly subscribers, you'll still have access to the Studio for the rest of the month.

If you cancel within 14 days of joining, you'll receive a full refund of your first month's membership fee.

ALSO: Locked-in pricing! The price you join at today is the price you'll always pay, as long as you're a member in good standing.

Here’s what you’re getting when you join

The Writer's Flow Studio today:

  • 3X Weekly Writing Sessions (12 per month!)
  • Centering Exercises
  • Weekly Accountability Check-In
  • Live Monthly Masterclass
  • Fresh Writing Prompts Every Month
  • Community of Writers in a Private Facebook Group
  • Membership Portal (including access to a full Library of all previous Masterclasses!)

Total Value: over $500 each and every month!

But when you enrol today, you’ll get access to everything for just:

Join Today

Monthly Payment of

$37 USD


Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some answers to the questions writers have asked before signing up for The Writer's Flow Studio.

The process for our Writing Sessions is available in the Membership Portal, and all the centering exercises to use before each session are there as well. If you miss a session, you'll have all you need to do the session on your own time. 

You're not alone. A lot of writers feel this way and we just don't talk enough about it. We use specific centering exercises for a short period at the start of each writing session to help ourselves enter the writing in a state of calm. And you'll be in a community with a group of writers who know exactly what it's like so you won't be alone with your fears. Also, the Masterclasses are all about mindset, so the whole Studio is designed to ease your anxiety and keep you writing.

Well hello there, new Internet friend! I totally get this question. So, this is me:

I’m Rhonda Douglas, a published and award-winning poet and fiction writer. I have both an English Literature degree and a Masters of Fine Arts in Creative Writing, and have been a writing mentor for years offering live workshops, one-on-one editorial support and creativity coaching.

My writing has been published in literary journals in Canada and overseas, and I’ve won several awards for my work over the years. My published books are in poetry and short fiction, and I'm currently working on a historical mystery novel as well as a mixed-genre memoir. I’ve served on juries for literary prizes and grants, and I was the Poetry Editor for Arc Poetry, Canada’s National Poetry Magazine. Publishers Weekly said my short stories “bubble with originality and daring.” 

If you're between projects, or just want to play around, you can use one of the writing prompts provided. Other Studio members have found this has helped them generate new ideas and new work, even when they weren't expecting it.


We understand that life happens and circumstances change. You can cancel anytime just by emailing [email protected].

You'll still have access for the rest of the month. I hope you won't want to leave us, but if you do, no worries: I've always got your back.

However, because your price is locked-in today, if you do cancel and want to join again later, I can't guarantee the price will be the same in the future. Fair warning :-)

The Writer's Flow Studio is for writers at all stages of the writer's journey. It's designed to bust through the mindset issues that keep ALL writers from being consistent with their practice and loving their writing life. You can generate momentum in the Studio whether you're "just" journalling, writing individual stories, poems or essays, or working on a book-length project in any genre. The Studio is focused on process and practice, so it works for all creative writers.

No. All writers are welcome! Because our focus is on mindset, practice and process, The Writer's Flow Studio works for all creative writers.

Our writing prompts cover fiction, poetry and creative nonfiction.

We do the Accompanied Writing Sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 3pm Eastern, and on Wednesdays at 7pm Eastern. Our Live Masterclasses are held the third Saturday of each month, at 3pm Eastern. You get a printable quarterly schedule in advance so you can plan ahead.

Here’s what you’re getting when you join

The Writer's Flow Studio today:

  • 3X Weekly Writing Sessions (12 per month!)
  • Centering Exercises
  • Weekly Accountability Check-In
  • Live Monthly Masterclass
  • Fresh Writing Prompts Every Month
  • Community of Writers in a Private Facebook Group
  • Membership Portal (including access to a full Library of all previous Masterclasses!)

Total Value: over $500 each and every month!

But when you enrol today, you’ll get access to everything for just:

Join Today

Monthly Payments of

$37 USD


The Writer's Flow Studio is PERFECT for you if…

  1. You took a short "break" from writing and found it lasted longer than you intended.
  2. You struggle to sustain a consistent writing practice. 
  3. You've got a current work-in-progress and you're eager to finally finish the darn thing! 
  4. You don't have anything in particular you're writing just now but want to keep actively writing all the same to stay connected to your creative self.
  5. You find yourself avoiding writing -- for any reason. 
  6. You're really wanting to have a community of writers to encourage and support you. 
  7. You're ready to create and sustain a writing life you love! 

If this sounds like you, then I'd love to see you inside The Writer's Flow Studio!

Here’s what you’re getting when you join

The Writer's Flow Studio today:

  • 3X Weekly Writing Sessions (12 per month!)
  • Centering Exercises
  • Weekly Accountability Check-In
  • Live Monthly Masterclass
  • Fresh Writing Prompts Every Month
  • Community of Writers in a Private Facebook Group
  • Membership Portal (including access to a full Library of all previous Masterclasses!)

Total Value: over $500 each and every month!

But when you enrol today, you’ll get access to everything for just:

Join Monthly

Monthly Payments of

$37 USD


"Last week, I polished up my novel submission package and sent the manuscript off to a contact at a publisher and immediately started chewing my nails. This week, I vow to make my wish-list of other agents and publishers and send out 2 more submissions."

-- Vicky, Novelist


"Last week, I submitted two poems for publication! Wasn't intending to, but something I wrote during our last Tuesday writing session turned into a poem... I may be able to use elements of them in my novel, which also incorporates poetry."

-- Ioanna, Novelist



"This week I wrote two essays I'm REALLY happy about and I had a realization of what I'm doing. I want to write the book I could have used over the last few years... This week I am going to type the essays into my computer and play with editing them."

-- Aly, Creative Non-Fiction/Memoir



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