Writing Groups: How to Start a Great One

Uncategorized Feb 17, 2022

I believe that writing groups can really push writers ahead -- much more quickly than when writers just trudge along on their own. Here are some useful tips to help create and sustain effective and supportive writing groups: I hope they help!

For most of the past decade, I’ve been in one writing group or another. Mostly for fiction, although I’ve also shared my writing with poetry friends in smaller numbers (less group, more #girlgang!). Deadlines and feedback have been critical to my growth as a writer and one sure way to get this is through sharing your writing regularly in a writers group.

Or: writers groups, plural. At different times, I've been in separate groups for both poetry and fiction at the same time, and had a writing mentor at the same time. It really depends on your focus and how much time you have.

But to make this work you have to have the right group(s). Nothing will curdle your writer’s soul faster than poorly given input on your precious...

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