Oooh, look! Best Pens for Writers

best pens for writers Sep 25, 2023

There’s nothing worse than settling in to what you can tell will be a long writing session, just to discover that your favourite pen is out of ink.

Equally perturbing is when you pick up a new pen at the store because the packaging caught your eye, but when set to your page the tip is so coarse it feels like you’re trying to carve your initials into a picnic bench. Hopefully with this list of carefully chosen pens, your troubles will be eased. 

I last wrote to help you narrow down the never-ending search for the Best Journals for Writers. This list will be just as subjective as the last and includes reasonably priced pens all under $10 that I believe will make sitting down to write painless. 

Best Pens for Writers: Ballpoints

Uni-Ball Jetstream Retractable

The Uni-Ball Jetstream is just one step away from ordering a daily PSL (pumpkin spice late) on its way to work. That’s how basic it is....

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