Three Writing Myths and How to Spot Them


We writers know about myths. Either because we’ve read them, or written something based on them or even written our own. 

But what do we know about the kinds of myths that affect us every single time we sit down to write? 

Myths about writing haunt us, and can make it difficult for us to get to the page, or difficult to get the words down even if we manage to get our butt-in-chair. 

If we know about these myths, though, we can learn how to deal with each one. That’s why I’m breaking down three common writing myths for you in today’s episode. 

Listen to learn

  • How and why writing myths are harmful 
  • How to deal with the issues caused by each myth 
  • Why you need to watch out for ads that say you can finish a book in a month or weekend
  • Why a bad writing session isn’t a big deal

Here’s a sneak peek… 

[01:44]  They're just in the ether, and so we absorb them and then we think there's...

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